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Thursday, February 7, 2008
haruskah hidupku dipersenda?
(7:25 PM)

I think some people are downright disgusting. I've been observing some people like, really, and yeeeeaaaah, I'm not liking what I see.

Some people are horrible, really. Two-faced twats who say one thing to your face another behind your back. People whom you trust with all your heart and when others tell you what they think, you don't believe them, even though what they say is true. GOSH. What is WRONG with these people?

Lucky for me, this year has been quite kind to me in that aspect. Haven't met any of these people YET. If I were to really sit down and analyse these people, I would say their perception of themselves are totally whack or they have no idea who they, themselves, are.

I wanted to blog about this topic for quite some time now. I've been observing myself AND others and like yeah. I think understanding one's self is important. Really.

And thus the phase of self-discovery has begun for me, on the year I hit sweet sixteen.

So far, I've found out that I'm an extremist at times (wahaha. thanks shaf.) like if I'm anti something, I really really anti it like hell. And I stand up for my close friends, and if I don't like something, I make it hell clear that I downright hate it (thanks val). And I noticed I'm a passionate person. If I believe in something, I'm downright rooted about it. Nobody, not one single person can give me crap about it, seriously.

And guy-wise, I realised I can't be bothered any less. I mean yeah, fine. I'm vain, but not vain because of guys. I'm vain for myself. I realised, also kinda with the help of Ms Lizah's SEL lessons, that guys are so not necessary at this point of time. I know what defines me. Guys definitely do NOT define who I am, I define MYSELF. I mean, I don't need to be the VILLAGE BICYCLE of which everyone has a chance on. Like hellooooo having 20+ exes does not make ANYONE a great person. What makes a good person is his/her character. Like really.

I'm not trying to act all wise and shit but seriously, this is the reality i observed.
